Alexylva Paradox

CorporationAlexylva ParadoxSecurity status-0.5
AllianceAvg. time in corporation3 years, 24 days, 7 hours and 25 minutes
Date of birth 2012-06-15 15:47:25Id92149662
u'// And he said that if God wouldn\u2019t redeem Acher, then he, Cleric Meir, would redeem Acher..

And the people said, what, that doesn\u2019t even make sense, is redemption not reserved for God alone? And Cleric Meir said that wasn\u2019t exactly true. That what we do during our lives echoes forward into history, and that good deeds that seemed tiny when they happened might grow and grow until they consumed the entire world, and if the recording sephrim had discounted them when they first reviewed the case, an appeal might be lodged. And that one day, when he was studying The Scriptures under Cleric Elisha, Cleric Meir had gotten something from him, some tiny spark of goodness, and that was what had inspired him to be good himself throughout his life. And so he would train his disciples to be good, and they would train their disciples to be good, until the world was safe and free, and all of it would be because of this one man, Acher, a wicked wicked man who would not repent, and God would be forced to credit those deeds to Acher\u2019s name, and he would rise into Paradise, unrepentant still.\u201d
Name: Dr Saede Riordan (Phd Paleorobotics)
Clan: Sgathiach
Tribe: Sebiestor
Occupation: Futurist
Blood Type: AB
Gender: Undisclosed
Date of Birth: 19th Sept. YC89 (Age 33)
Place of Birth: Skarkon II
Height: 172.51cm (5\'8")
Weight: 51.70kg (114 lbs)
Build: Slender
//I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas...//'

Employment history

Alexylva ParadoxAlexylva Paradox2012-07-03 13:082024-09-21 21:3012 years, 2 months, 18 days, 8 hours and 22 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2012-07-03 13:032012-07-03 13:085 minutes
The Extinction ProtocolThe Extinction Protocol2012-07-02 00:392012-07-03 13:031 day, 12 hours and 24 minutes
Pator Tech SchoolPator Tech School2012-06-15 15:472012-07-02 00:3916 days, 8 hours and 52 minutes